Thursday, June 4, 2009

Family Pics...well tried.

These are the only pics that ended up being cute...hopefully we can go back soon to take some more.

These are the boy's feet prints in the sand...

Tucker had a really bad black eye when we tried to take these pictures. We have no clue what he feel into he just came screaming into our room and he had a red line of blood where he almost busted it thru the skin. Thank God he didn't, I think we have had our fair share of ER trips with this kid!

I loved this picture of them. I didn't think about the sun being in our eyes when we went so next time we wont be going closer to sundown.

Godparents Visit!!!

Chad and Lauren were able to come down for 6 days and it was soooooo good to see them! We went to the beach while they were here and it was Carter's first time going. Tucker decided to be afraid of the water this year so he screamed bloody murder when we tried to take him in. He loved to play in the sand though.

Anybody who knows Tucker knows he is OBSESSED with Batman. It seems everytime he gets to see Uncle Chad and Aunt Lauren they have him some new Batman toys...the new light up mask and the new talking gloves. He had a blast beating Chad up with a baseball bat.
Tucker loves Roxy..or he says Roxie. She had a blast with him at the beach and we can't wait to take her back!

Big man...

Carter is growing up sooooo fast! When he was about a month and a half I had to start putting some cereal in two bottles a day trying to feel him up a little better than the formula was. Well he has moved on to eating off a spoon already. He took to it the first day just like Tucker did! big chunker now eats some cereal or baby yo yogurt once a day in the morning. I think he will be a early starter like Tucker was with eating baby food early too.

They don't know it yet....

This is Alyssa our good friends baby and she has been dubbed Carter's girlfriend by all four of us. She was born in April...the 23rd I think. I get to start keeping her on June 11 and can't wait! Kristina...her mom and Aaron...her dad are both military and Kristina's maternity leave is up :(. I hate it for her! It should be interesting with two babies so little and Tucker here but I'm up for it! And the extra money isn't going to hurt anything either! She is too cute and I am exicted about Carter having someone to grow up with in our last two years here in Gulfport.
I'm hoping keeping her will make Chris want to have ONE more baby :). haha

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Time is Flying!

Well on Monday Carter went for his 2 month well baby! I can't believe he is already 2 months old....he was 13.4 lbs and 24 in. long. He is SOOO big and just so alert and already cooing and jabbering up a storm. Taking Tucker with me is so not such a good idea. He thought it would just be hilarious to run from me at Keesler so off he went from the main lobby all the way to the emergency room, thus being the day I forgot my stroller and was having to carry Carter and the diaper bag! Needless to say If Chris can't go next time he will go to a friends house. Carter is almost off his thrush meds for the 3rd time thank goodness.

Tucker is well so into the terrible two's it isn't even funny. He will fight and argue over everything and is so dang stubborn but he defiantly gets that from both Chris and I. The other night he fell off the couch backwards and Chris and I were waiting to see if he was okay before we made a move for him and he hops up and said "Tucker okay, Tucker is okay" before we could ask him. We about died laughing at him. He loves, loves loves to get inside the fridge and pull out whatever...He still tries to beat the crap out of Roxy and for some strange reason she just lets him. Oh well we are just so glad that they love each other so much.

Chris and I now have Wednesday's set aside for date nights and have the two most wonderful friends here that keep them for us :]. It's so nice being away and yet having some great friends we can count on for just about anything for.

Chad and Lauren get here late Friday night and well we CAN'T WAIT!!!! They are the boy's Godparents and mean the world to both of us and it's never a dull moment with us. One day we will eventually all be back together and our kids will be getting theirs in trouble teaching them the bad stuff since it's going to be forever before we are Godparents!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So many of my friends use this as a good easy way to let other family and friends stay filled in with our every day lives since we live so far away so I finally decided to start one. I don't completely have it all figured out yet so bear with me!

Carter went to the doctor yesterday because he has thrush again for the 3rd time! It is so aggravating to get rid of this stuff especially when we are boiling all of his bottle nipples. I feel so bad for him since I have heard before that it is painful for him. He did however weigh 13lbs. and is now 24in. long so he has grown quiet a bit in the last 8 weeks. I can't believe he is already 8 weeks old though. It is flying by just as fast as it did with Tucker. Oh yea Carter officially has his first girlfriend...her name is Alyssa and is too cute and a little chunker like him!

Tucker is well just Tucker. Crazy as ever and cracks Chris and I up all the time. He is having a blast with Roxy or as he likes to tell us her name is Rocky. Chris and I will say it slow and sound it out to try and enunciate the syllables and he will say no and say it slow and do they same thing to us but telling us it's Rocky. It is hilarious. He is in the process of trying to learn to ride his bike...which is not easy at all. He would rather us pull him everywhere on it.

Chris is in a class for Arch welding for about a month now so he stays gone all day long till 4ish so till then it's just the boy's and I. Can you believe we live in MS on the freaking beach and the pool doesn't open till Memorial Day weekend...we need that pool now! We have this free water park right off the beach now and now that I am done with my finals (WOO HOO) I can start getting Tucker out and about. I feel so bad because ALL of his friends are moving away within the next 6 months, but I guess he will have to get used to that! Speaking of school, Chris is now officially a college student and starts classes June 1st and I am so proud of him.

I will try and figure out the whole uploading picture thing tomorrow hopefully...I am so behind I still have to upload all the ones to my computer from the NC trip!